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SERGE AVELLINO known as “Sergio” is actually my birth name. Born September 26​,​ 1963 in Italy. Naturalized French in 1966 I built and forged myself in the mining villages. The Terrils were my first playgrounds from the age of 7. Judoka from a young age​,​ I also played football in inter-district with the USR. "Rouvroy" So I needed space​,​ escape and action​,​ and that's why at the age of 15 I did my military training as a parachutist. Preliminary Patent Para I looked to the future with the determination of an adult. It was only natural that I became a Paratrooper Commando to "save the world..." I intervened in Lebanon when I was not yet 19 years old​,​ then I carried out and carried out as many external operations as possible​,​ then extra-military... then worked as a consultant in the consulting and training sectors. The cross-disciplinary nature of sport and business​,​ combat and business strategy​,​ informed my workshops and seminars. Today​,​ "freed from the movements of a tumultuous past"​,​ I conceptualized PARTNERS' AVENTURE​,​ To bring together and unite around key values To transmit. This is how I allow all my participants to fully realize themselves in a separate universe. That of being and lasting. PARTNERS' AVENTURE a unique concept of an authentic genre​,​ in adventurer mode​,​ with Loetitia​,​ Quentin​,​ Ibra & Mika​,​ we take you elsewhere. Adventure is neither a destination nor an activity​,​ but a positive way to live your life in a more conscious way. It is daring to stray from the path and its apparent security to constantly discover new things. In all aspects of his life whether personal or professional: Adventure is everywhere.

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